.:`=-~rANdOm~`-=:. Game Servers
Support (Read Only) => Suggestions => Topic started by: Buddha on December 28, 2010, 08:27:12 PM
I got this idea from a football server
whenever TTT has a votemap and a person votes, it counts there Score as a vote number
So like if you kill many traitors you have about 40 points
and some rdmer comes and has 3 points
when votemap comes and everyone votes for lets say dm_island
all there points equal to about 13 points while
the person who killed many traitors vote for crummy_cradle and wins because he has 40 points
Votemap depends on persons score
if you don't get it, then :gtfo:
That's stupid, then everyone who's good at TTT and isn't stupidz will always get to vote the map.
It's fine as it is, we don't need noxious' system.
The only thing I would love to see in TTT would be some kind of map rotation since we only play around 3 maps all day. :/
true, like a random map chooser so we don't always play Alt_borders or crummy_cradle or dm_island or dm_riches etc
to tell the truth i only played about 1/3 maps of serber :'(
nid zs voting system on ttt
agfter 3 rounds a random map gets picked etc and the same map cant be voted for another 3 rounds
nid zs voting system on ttt
agfter 3 rounds a random map gets picked etc and the same map cant be voted for another 3 rounds
This right here...... Profit :money:
Map roullete.