.:`=-~rANdOm~`-=:. Game Servers
Promotions (Read Only) => Regular => Approved => Topic started by: Killah on December 04, 2010, 12:48:01 AM
Name : |AHN| Killah
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:25627903
Ingame name: .:RND`=-|AHN| Killahz
Time online: Usually 4PM-10:30PM (week days) and 12:00PM -> 12:00AM (weekends) {Obviously with Breaks}
Age : 14
Games : Gmod, HL2, CSS, TF2, GTA4, Borderlands, HL2:EP2 & EP1
Location: , Newzealand
Favourite Gamemode: Trouble in terrorist town
I would like to be a regular because i have been playing on RND servers for about 2 1/2 Years and ive also been previously selected for Admin Appeals by Coolz himself.
Anyways i would like to make this short (Admins & Players dont need Homework!) I used to be Respected before the Update and was very good @ Votekicking/Banning players.
Thanks for reading mah App
Ive known killah for a while now and hes on ttt quite a lot. I can trust him to be responsible in any case.
Lol aren't you already VIP?
:thumbsup: :thumbsup: good guy. Played TTT or fretta with him for like a whole day and never saw anything mingey.
:thumbsup: :trollface: :xmastree: :santahat:
@ Bi it was TTT :D
i dont play Fretta Much although i like Deathrun. If you see me on a game ALL DAY it MUST be TTT Lol
im like a TTT addict
Just no. Seriously: Look at your eye cancer causing app.
Just no. Seriously: Look at your eye cancer causing app.
:O Well haz u got Eye cancer now?
on a secound note Frank i dont even know you so.... Yeah
There is a spell check function. Please use it, kthx.
Really nice and helpful in-game.
Isn't an ass like a lot of people.
Really nice and helpful in-game.
Isn't an ass like a lot of people.
>implies I am an ass
>implies I am an ass
But most people on the internet are.
I don't consider you an ass for -1'ing him.
isn't this guy vip?
either way :thumbsup:
isn't this guy vip?
either way :thumbsup:
Well thing is i never actually applied for Reg or VIP so... Yeah
Alot of People ask me if im VIP and i always say "No"
So im probably going to apply for VIP sometime after I'm regular.
:thumbsdown: cause last guy from new zealand had a pig. and didnt live on a farm. and was more sane then anyone else there
but ill be nice ;P :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
:thumbsdown: cause last guy from new zealand had a pig. and didnt live on a farm. and was more sane then anyone else there
but ill be nice ;P :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
I live in teh city so we dont have many farms but if u drive 30mins away u will find farms :D
And Pigs
And a Pig called imasillypiggy
And a cow called Moo :D
Jk (last 2 lines)
:thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :present:
Yay Present is it for Xmas?
(Off topic but im giving mah friend Black Ops for Xmas :D)
I :thumbsup: the hell out this. Kthnx.
was yes, but noiw he is mingy and rdm
was yes, but noiw he is mingy and rdm
:O Random accusing isnt RDM
That would be RA
:O Random accusing isnt RDM
That would be RA
even worse. you trick someone into lsoing akram and someone els einto dying
But its not Against the rules even tho RDM is
and plus the person who chose to kill you , its their fault (even though u were the traitor)
Deg, drop it. Youve done it before. "ITS [name here] ITS [name here] ITS---" and then you would stop talking, WAIT for them to kill the person you said it was, and then be like "NUP JK".
Deg, drop it. Youve done it before. "ITS [name here] ITS [name here] ITS---" and then you would stop talking, WAIT for them to kill the person you said it was, and then be like "NUP JK".
:thumbsup: :trollface: :xmastree: :santahat:
funny player :D!