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Support (Read Only) => Suggestions => Topic started by: Jman on November 02, 2010, 06:06:41 AM

Title: Not Your Average New Karma System Thread
Post by: Jman on November 02, 2010, 06:06:41 AM
Well, most people like to bitch and complain about the new karma system for reasons they've stated, even though fail.

I am making this thread as a suggestion, not a complaint. I suggest that the traitors need to gain more karma for killing innocents. I killed 5 innocents as a Traitor and got +40 karma.

It would be really helpful if the karma boost for inno kills was raised.


Idea also credited to DeathWard.
Title: Re: Not Your Average New Karma System Thread
Post by: Prox on November 02, 2010, 06:45:22 AM
I agree. It would make easier to get back your karma and there wouldn't be shiton of complaints about perm karma.
Title: Re: Not Your Average New Karma System Thread
Post by: bipolardiz on November 02, 2010, 12:21:20 PM
 :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: and I think moo has already said  :thumbsup: to this to. So hopefully it happens.
Title: Re: Not Your Average New Karma System Thread
Post by: Rocket50 on November 02, 2010, 03:34:59 PM
Be more lenient on Karma; Like, when gamefreak went up and RDMED an inno with 80 karma and I killed him in response and lost 400 karma while he lost 40.

Make innocents gain like, 50 per round, give traitors maybe, 10 karma per innocent killed and make sure TTT can lower the penalty for an innocent killing another innocent who had recently rdmed someone.
Title: Re: Not Your Average New Karma System Thread
Post by: Jman on November 02, 2010, 03:50:50 PM
Be more lenient on Karma; Like, when gamefreak went up and RDMED an inno with 80 karma and I killed him in response and lost 400 karma while he lost 40.

make sure TTT can lower the penalty for an innocent killing another innocent who had recently rdmed someone.


That would greatly increase rdming.
Example: (Player A, Player B, Player C, and Player D are all innocent.)
 Player A kills Player B for whatever reason(Suspicious or all-out rdm doesn't matter) and Player C sees this. Player C does not like Player A. Player C says "Oh look! Since he just killed an innocent now is my chance to rdm him! Either I kill him and get karma if he's T or I barely lose any karma if he's innocent." Player D sees Player C kill Player A and kills Player C.

This proccess would repeat and there would be a ton of chain rdm fights. Just don't shoot people as an innocent unless they shoot you first or if they are obviously a traitor.
Title: Re: Not Your Average New Karma System Thread
Post by: ursus on November 02, 2010, 03:59:44 PM
Be more lenient on Karma; Like, when gamefreak went up and RDMED an inno with 80 karma and I killed him in response and lost 400 karma while he lost 40.

Make innocents gain like, 50 per round, give traitors maybe, 10 karma per innocent killed and make sure TTT can lower the penalty for an innocent killing another innocent who had recently rdmed someone.
You mad?
Title: Re: Not Your Average New Karma System Thread
Post by: Sabb on November 02, 2010, 04:19:35 PM
I support this notion.
Title: Re: Not Your Average New Karma System Thread
Post by: Rocket50 on November 02, 2010, 06:17:06 PM

That would greatly increase rdming.
Example: (Player A, Player B, Player C, and Player D are all innocent.)
 Player A kills Player B for whatever reason(Suspicious or all-out rdm doesn't matter) and Player C sees this. Player C does not like Player A. Player C says "Oh look! Since he just killed an innocent now is my chance to rdm him! Either I kill him and get karma if he's T or I barely lose any karma if he's innocent." Player D sees Player C kill Player A and kills Player C.

This proccess would repeat and there would be a ton of chain rdm fights. Just don't shoot people as an innocent unless they shoot you first or if they are obviously a traitor.

That is one scenario, Scenario 2:

PLAYER A, B, C, and D are all innocent.

Player A kills player C because player A likes to rdm low karma players. Player D sees this, and thinks player A is the traitor, Player D kills player A and he loses 400 karma, while player A loses 60.
Title: Re: Not Your Average New Karma System Thread
Post by: Megatron on November 02, 2010, 06:37:24 PM
um i killed 9 innocents my karma went +30 it really doesnt raise karma to kill innocents but we do need to change this system because say i kill an innocent that just recently killed the detective, i get -300 karma and i was like please ban bish for detective rdm.
Title: Re: Not Your Average New Karma System Thread
Post by: Jman on November 02, 2010, 07:14:04 PM
That is one scenario, Scenario 2:

PLAYER A, B, C, and D are all innocent.

Player A kills player C because player A likes to rdm low karma players. Player D sees this, and thinks player A is the traitor, Player D kills player A and he loses 400 karma, while player A loses 60.

That is somethat that rarely hapenns. Scenario 1 would happen frequently.

EITHER WAY, this thread is not about that. It is simply about getting more karma for kills as traitor.
Title: Re: Not Your Average New Karma System Thread
Post by: Rocket50 on November 02, 2010, 07:21:57 PM
That is somethat that rarely hapenns. Scenario 1 would happen frequently.

EITHER WAY, this thread is not about that. It is simply about getting more karma for kills as traitor.

Happened to me and Gamefreak. I was player D and Gamefreak was player A
Title: Re: Not Your Average New Karma System Thread
Post by: Jman on November 02, 2010, 07:49:44 PM
No shit. You already said that. One fucking occasion is not frequently.

Please get off that topic. Make another thread about it if you want, don't fill mine with it.
Title: Re: Not Your Average New Karma System Thread
Post by: ItchyDani3l on November 02, 2010, 08:12:40 PM
Karma is just fine the way it is. Before the Karma swap, I used to end most maps with 1000 karma, and you guys should be able to too.

Just don't fag rdm :3
Title: Re: Not Your Average New Karma System Thread
Post by: Jman on November 02, 2010, 08:17:41 PM
Karma is just fine the way it is. Before the Karma swap, I used to end most maps with 1000 karma, and you guys should be able to too.

Just don't fag rdm :3

Am i saying to remove the perma karma system?

I am saying to add more karma for killing innocents as Traitor
Title: Re: Not Your Average New Karma System Thread
Post by: ItchyDani3l on November 02, 2010, 08:33:16 PM
Yeah I know. But I'm saying you won't need the extra karma if you don't fag rdm. :3
Title: Re: Not Your Average New Karma System Thread
Post by: Jman on November 02, 2010, 08:43:15 PM
Yeah I know. But I'm saying you won't need the extra karma if you don't fag rdm. :3

not true. there are exceptions where u need the extra boost.
Title: Re: Not Your Average New Karma System Thread
Post by: Deathie on November 03, 2010, 03:19:57 AM
This WAS originally my idea...

http://forum.randomgs.com/index.php/topic,1660.msg23095.html#msg23095 (http://forum.randomgs.com/index.php/topic,1660.msg23095.html#msg23095)


Title: Re: Not Your Average New Karma System Thread
Post by: Jman on November 03, 2010, 12:15:17 PM
This WAS originally my idea...

http://forum.randomgs.com/index.php/topic,1660.msg23095.html#msg23095 (http://forum.randomgs.com/index.php/topic,1660.msg23095.html#msg23095)



sorry  :-[

i didn't see it was ur idea. here now u get credit and +rep also.
Title: Re: Not Your Average New Karma System Thread
Post by: Jman on November 09, 2010, 02:22:53 PM
BUMP: No word from admins.
Title: Re: Not Your Average New Karma System Thread
Post by: Buddha on November 09, 2010, 03:46:39 PM

10kills and he gained 25 karma D:
Title: Re: Not Your Average New Karma System Thread
Post by: Jman on November 09, 2010, 04:03:43 PM
and 7 kills as T the round before that
Title: Re: Not Your Average New Karma System Thread
Post by: Deathie on November 09, 2010, 04:33:21 PM
Why don't we get this thing approved?

Least, how much karma should you gain per-kill?

Better yet, can you even code it?
Title: Re: Not Your Average New Karma System Thread
Post by: Jman on November 09, 2010, 05:34:59 PM
Why don't we get this thing approved?

Least, how much karma should you gain per-kill?

Better yet, can you even code it?

i think it may be built in to the game mod. maybe it's as simple as changing a variable like

karma gained for kills as traitor = 25 or something idk
Title: Re: Not Your Average New Karma System Thread
Post by: Sabb on November 09, 2010, 05:38:14 PM
Why don't we get this thing approved?

Least, how much karma should you gain per-kill?

Better yet, can you even code it?
If you're suggesting the system isn't being changed because coolz doesn't know how to script it, you're wrong.
It just hasn't come across as I big enough problem I guess, but Coolz has been working on a shit ton of stuff on the servers.
Title: Re: Not Your Average New Karma System Thread
Post by: Hitman on November 10, 2010, 04:42:49 AM
A request...
Can we not lose karma if we lose as detective?
For example:
A - Me
B - Rdmer
C - Traitor
D - Other players
B kills A, then D kills B then they found out he was innocent. They start rdming each other and C continues to kill the rest of D. Traitors Win! It kinda sucks, you get rdmed and you lose karma.

This actually happened to me once, 1000 then it goes to 800.
Title: Re: Not Your Average New Karma System Thread
Post by: Don on November 10, 2010, 09:31:58 AM
Title: Re: Not Your Average New Karma System Thread
Post by: bipolardiz on November 10, 2010, 12:32:30 PM
If you're suggesting the system isn't being changed because coolz doesn't know how to script it, you're wrong.
It just hasn't come across as I big enough problem I guess, but Coolz has been working on a shit ton of stuff on the servers.

as he said, coolz has been busting his arse. A year ago he wasn't doing this much. So give him more credit. He is totally god of your gmod play.
Title: Re: Not Your Average New Karma System Thread
Post by: Jman on November 10, 2010, 12:33:40 PM
as he said, coolz has been busting his arse. A year ago he wasn't doing this much. So give him more credit. He is totally god of your gmod play.

did i say he wasn't?

No. I just want him to add the abillity to gain karma per kill as traitor when he has time.
Title: Re: Not Your Average New Karma System Thread
Post by: Deathie on November 10, 2010, 07:27:39 PM
If you're suggesting the system isn't being changed because coolz doesn't know how to script it, you're wrong.
It just hasn't come across as I big enough problem I guess, but Coolz has been working on a shit ton of stuff on the servers.

No, no, I meant,
It might not even be possible to do,
like porting the ACTUAL Portal Gun to gmod.
Title: Re: Not Your Average New Karma System Thread
Post by: morfin on November 12, 2010, 03:07:11 AM
I've got 1000 karma. Better to be killed then lose all karma for rdming some fucktard.
Title: Re: Not Your Average New Karma System Thread
Post by: Seb on November 18, 2010, 10:04:01 AM
Like I've said before...

Innocents/Traitors lose 75 to 350 karma for RDMing an teammate (range depends on victim's karma)
Traitors gain 15 karma for every innocent they kill, no gain for hurting
Innocents gain 5 karma every time they hurt a traitor, gain 15 karma for killing a traitor
Innocents lose 450 karma if RDMing detective REGARDLESS OF DETECTIVE'S KARMA
Innocents/Traitors lose 5 karma every time they hurt a teammate
Innocents gain 50 karma for defusing a C4
Karma loss is halved if your teammate had recently killed another teammate

amirite or amirite?
Title: Re: Not Your Average New Karma System Thread
Post by: ursus on November 18, 2010, 03:17:42 PM
Like I've said before...

Innocents/Traitors lose 75 to 350 karma for RDMing an teammate (range depends on victim's karma)
Traitors gain 15 karma for every innocent they kill, no gain for hurting
Innocents gain 5 karma every time they hurt a traitor, gain 15 karma for killing a traitor
Innocents lose 450 karma if RDMing detective REGARDLESS OF DETECTIVE'S KARMA
Innocents/Traitors lose 5 karma every time they hurt a teammate
Innocents gain 50 karma for defusing a C4
Karma loss is halved if your teammate had recently killed another teammate

amirite or amirite?

I still think no karma loss for people under 100 karma is good.
Title: Re: Not Your Average New Karma System Thread
Post by: Seb on November 18, 2010, 03:19:26 PM
I still think no karma loss for people under 100 karma is good.

Title: Re: Not Your Average New Karma System Thread
Post by: ursus on November 18, 2010, 03:24:04 PM

also no loss for killing detec with low karma, because if the detective is someone like "dillonjhaslive" then anyone is justified in killing them.
Title: Re: Not Your Average New Karma System Thread
Post by: Seb on November 18, 2010, 03:28:19 PM
also no loss for killing detec with low karma, because if the detective is someone like "dillonjhaslive" then anyone is justified in killing them.

Ehh, nah. He's still a detective.
Title: Re: Not Your Average New Karma System Thread
Post by: ursus on November 18, 2010, 03:45:13 PM
Ehh, nah. He's still a detective.

Oh sorry, replace  the phrase "dillonjhaslive" with "RDMing niggerfaggot". I consider them to be synonyms.
Title: Re: Not Your Average New Karma System Thread
Post by: Seb on November 18, 2010, 03:57:13 PM
Oh sorry, replace  the phrase "dillonjhaslive" with "RDMing niggerfaggot". I consider them to be synonyms.

Karma loss is halved if your teammate had recently killed another teammate

Title: Re: Not Your Average New Karma System Thread
Post by: ursus on November 18, 2010, 05:02:55 PM

olol k
Title: Re: Not Your Average New Karma System Thread
Post by: Malaka on November 19, 2010, 12:13:29 PM
Like I've said before...

Innocents/Traitors lose 75 to 350 karma for RDMing an teammate (range depends on victim's karma)
Traitors gain 15 karma for every innocent they kill, no gain for hurting
Innocents gain 5 karma every time they hurt a traitor, gain 15 karma for killing a traitor
Innocents lose 450 karma if RDMing detective REGARDLESS OF DETECTIVE'S KARMA
Innocents/Traitors lose 5 karma every time they hurt a teammate
Innocents gain 50 karma for defusing a C4
Karma loss is halved if your teammate had recently killed another teammate

amirite or amirite?

WRONG WRONG WRONG....You lose about 500 karma for killing innocent with 1000 karma.
And you get about 200 karma for hurting and or killing traitor.

ANYWAYS can we up the karma for killing a innocent as traitor. For people who get unlucky and kill an faggot who likes to fake traitor.....then they get traitor and cannot do shit...except 1 knife kill. Which only brings us lik 40 karma? We should get at least 100 karma for each innocent killed.
Title: Re: Not Your Average New Karma System Thread
Post by: Seb on November 19, 2010, 12:28:12 PM
WRONG WRONG WRONG....You lose about 500 karma for killing innocent with 1000 karma.
And you get about 200 karma for hurting and or killing traitor.

ANYWAYS can we up the karma for killing a innocent as traitor. For people who get unlucky and kill an faggot who likes to fake traitor.....then they get traitor and cannot do shit...except 1 knife kill. Which only brings us lik 40 karma? We should get at least 100 karma for each innocent killed.

I'm pretty sure I was suggesting what the new system should be...
Title: Re: Not Your Average New Karma System Thread
Post by: Jman on November 19, 2010, 01:16:27 PM
I'm not asking for a new system  :(

I just want 5-10 karma for each kill on innocents as traitor.