.:`=-~rANdOm~`-=:. Game Servers

Entertainment (Read Only) => Games => Topic started by: Infinimint on August 18, 2013, 10:58:54 PM

Title: Minecraft
Post by: Infinimint on August 18, 2013, 10:58:54 PM
View Map (http://uniteddev.com/mcmap/)

Hey guys, I brought up a Minecraft server the other day and people asked me to post it on rNd since most of the players on it are from rNd anyway. It's a vanilla Spigot server running minimal plugins. It doesn't require any sort of fancy client besides the default 1.6.2 client.

As far as rules go, it's basically the same as the rNd server goes. No PvP (besides in the PvP arena and in certain cases), no looting, no greifing, etc. Also, please try to keep a common respect/courtesy.

The server is whitelist-only, so if you'd like to play on it, just post here or ask someone to ask me to whitelist you.

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Title: Re: Minecraft
Post by: This Cactus on August 18, 2013, 11:31:03 PM
tenks <3

Title: Re: Minecraft
Post by: BJ_Cumstain on August 20, 2013, 12:15:35 AM
pls whitelist me


Title: Re: Minecraft
Post by: Infinimint on August 20, 2013, 01:57:38 AM
pls whitelist me


Alright, you're good to go :)
Title: Re: Minecraft
Post by: HideoKojima on August 20, 2013, 08:28:15 AM
Hey you can see my house! :D (Barely. lol)
Title: Re: Minecraft
Post by: Loke on August 24, 2013, 08:41:40 PM
Whitelist me please and thank you?

IGN is evilloker
Title: Re: Minecraft
Post by: Bomb Squad on August 24, 2013, 08:44:45 PM
My username is bc21er, if any of you see that nickname and wonder who she is.
Title: Re: Minecraft
Post by: Prox on August 25, 2013, 02:05:36 AM
If you're gonna give me admin in the server then you can white-list Prox too 8).
Title: Re: Minecraft
Post by: Infinimint on August 25, 2013, 09:24:35 AM
If you're gonna give me admin in the server then you can white-list Prox too 8).
Alright, you're whitelisted. No admin though.
Title: Re: Minecraft
Post by: Yellow Killer on August 31, 2013, 03:17:58 PM
Whitelist me: yellowkiller333
Title: Re: Minecraft
Post by: Infinimint on August 31, 2013, 07:03:19 PM
Added tehhank and yellow
Title: Re: Minecraft
Post by: Bomb Squad on August 31, 2013, 07:05:25 PM
My house was looted. Ugh.
Also, a lot of the buildings in the village where Infinimint used to live have been griefed by TNT.
I have my suspicions on who did this - as I have seen a person with TNT in hand near the village itself, and this person has a history of griefing and looting. But, these suspicions are just that - unless I get further proof, I'm not disclosing their identity.
Title: Re: Minecraft
Post by: BJ_Cumstain on August 31, 2013, 08:29:08 PM
For some reason i can not join, when i try to join i just fly through the world then time out!
Title: Re: Minecraft
Post by: This Cactus on August 31, 2013, 08:52:40 PM
For some reason i can not join, when i try to join i just fly through the world then time out!
Title: Re: Minecraft
Post by: Bomb Squad on September 01, 2013, 10:35:07 AM
For some reason i can not join, when i try to join i just fly through the world then time out!
Yeah his server is sometimes laggy. Just keep trying.
Title: Re: Minecraft
Post by: Infinimint on September 01, 2013, 02:35:09 PM
My house was looted. Ugh.
Also, a lot of the buildings in the village where Infinimint used to live have been griefed by TNT.
I have my suspicions on who did this - as I have seen a person with TNT in hand near the village itself, and this person has a history of griefing and looting. But, these suspicions are just that - unless I get further proof, I'm not disclosing their identity.

If you're wondering about my house, I was the one who torched it.
Title: Re: Minecraft
Post by: CodeKyuubi on September 01, 2013, 04:02:14 PM
Normally I would jump to play minecraft, but I've spent the last almost two months playing the FTB Ultimate modpack, and I don't think I could return to vanilla MC xD.
Title: Re: Minecraft
Post by: Sora209 on September 01, 2013, 10:05:51 PM
Normally I would jump to play minecraft, but I've spent the last almost two months playing the FTB Ultimate modpack, and I don't think I could return to vanilla MC xD.
Title: Re: Minecraft
Post by: Infinimint on September 02, 2013, 01:12:33 AM
Normally I would jump to play minecraft, but I've spent the last almost two months playing the FTB Ultimate modpack, and I don't think I could return to vanilla MC xD.
Mods are fun, but I got kinda tired of them after a while.
Title: Re: Minecraft
Post by: This Cactus on September 02, 2013, 03:50:37 AM
Mods are fun, but I got kinda tired of them after a while.
Title: Re: Minecraft
Post by: CodeKyuubi on September 02, 2013, 12:41:13 PM
Maybe, but the real thing I enjoy about Feed the Beast is the automation. I automate mining and the transportation of those resources into an ever-expandable and modular storage system that holds all the items virtually inside data disks. Through that same storage system, I've automated the crafting of several key items, where I send a request to craft an item and the system will search for and use resources inside of itself to craft the requested number of items, crafting necessary prerequisites if necessary.

Basically, I don't know if I could return to hand mining everything and having to balance perilously on the edge of construction when I could automate everything and use jetpacks and gravitation engines.
Title: Re: Minecraft
Post by: Loke on September 02, 2013, 01:32:49 PM
Speaking of mods, the only one I'd want is the bi-plane from Flan's Mod.
Title: Re: Minecraft
Post by: Yellow Killer on September 02, 2013, 05:11:59 PM
Speaking of mods, the only one I'd want is the bi-plane from Flan's Mod.
I actually want this. I've played these planes before and it is fun to get around Minecraft.
Title: Re: Minecraft
Post by: Infinimint on September 03, 2013, 08:43:12 AM
I actually want this. I've played these planes before and it is fun to get around Minecraft.

The only real downside is 1) Everyone would have to download it (making the server slightly more inaccessible), and 2) Fast travel creates ridiculous amounts of server lagg when it's generating new terrain.
Title: Re: Minecraft
Post by: Loke on September 03, 2013, 02:45:46 PM
The only real downside is 1) Everyone would have to download it (making the server slightly more inaccessible), and 2) Fast travel creates ridiculous amounts of server lagg when it's generating new terrain.

Then for #2, create a new rule stating that in order to generate new land, you must do it on foot/boat.
Title: Re: Minecraft
Post by: Bomb Squad on September 03, 2013, 04:19:50 PM
Then for #2, create a new rule stating that in order to generate new land, you must do it on foot/boat.
Generating new land is automatic - if you fly into an area that hasn't been generated - or within a certain radius of nonexistant chunks, it will automatically generate the chunk. You can't just choose not to generate land, other than not flying into undiscovered chunks.
Title: Re: Minecraft
Post by: ๖Ϝцzsioᴎ on September 03, 2013, 05:04:27 PM
Then for #2, create a new rule stating that in order to generate new land, you must do it on foot/boat.
That's not even remotely possible -.-
Title: Re: Minecraft
Post by: Infinimint on September 03, 2013, 05:27:25 PM
That's not even remotely possible -.-
It is possible, you'd just have to make a mod or plugin. But if anyone thinks I'm gonna be making a mod/plugin just so the server can use a mod/plugin, you're incorrect.
Title: Re: Minecraft
Post by: CodeKyuubi on September 03, 2013, 08:58:04 PM
I can attest to fast travel and chunk loading causing lag. I fast travel all the time using a variety of Portal Guns to move thousands of units in an instant, and every so often it'll crash my game. But I also fly faster than the server can load chunks too, so I just fast travel anyway.
Title: Re: Minecraft
Post by: Loke on September 03, 2013, 09:10:55 PM
Well, we could always install plugins..

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