I'm an Atheist but I just stand, put my hand over my heart, and I just simply don't say it.
I stand up out of respect for people that fight/fought for our country.
A few days ago, some guy who claims himself as a supreme atheist decides to sit down during the Pledge of Allegance. Some people stare at him and he gets in a heavy argument with the teacher that since the Pledge includes "God", he has the right not to pledge since he has different religious views. A couple of days later the whole class , excluding myself and two others, sit and talk during the pledge. I don't know if the pledge is part of federal conduct in US schools so asdf. Our school does it every morning but I'm not sure how it is in others.
Do any of you guys have a pledge or anthem you must recite? Is my class atheist a smug bastard?
I really hate people like those who claim themselves as an "atheist" just for the sole purpose of arguing. Ugh, it's not really the right time to make stupid arguments about a 10 second repeat-after-me speech.
Here, we have to stand but the teacher doesn't really care if you wanna say the pledge or not, and I really don't care if the word god is in it, or on the dollar bill, or any other shit. It's just tradition.
Also what Deacon said about wanted attention for his alternative view.
I fucking hate militant atheists./r/athiesm is a circlejerk eh?
Maybe instead of being a /r/atheism type assclown, he could insert a random word to replace god, like "One nation, under cheeseburgers" or something like that. At least then he doesn't come off as a hard ass that is unlikeable by most people.
/r/athiesm is a circlejerk eh?
"lol silly christians"
"quote from comedian"
I'm atheist... I guess, don't really follow any religion or like to deem myself a part of any group but I guess I'd be atheist if I had to... but I also don't do shit during the Pledge of Allegiance.Ugh, I hate being labeled as an "atheist". Like, I only associate that term if you're strictly and strongly against the belief of any god. Basically what society automatically labels people as.
Ugh, I hate being labeled as an "atheist". Like, I only associate that term if you're strictly and strongly against the belief of any god. Basically what society automatically labels people as.Yea I really don't like to be labelled as an atheist either. Only really did for the sake of the shitty joke.
Other wise, I just go as non-affiliated/don't really care.
Non-religious-affiliated, belief in a higher power (but not sure what)= agnosticBut I'd still rather not be associated with it none the less. Mainly simply because of the general type of edgy teen who runs around telling everyone they're atheist and shit. Just don't want to be associated with it. I know what the word means though.
No higher power, whether you like it or not = atheist
its just a word.
But I'd still rather not be associated with it none the less. Mainly simply because of the general type of edgy teen who runs around telling everyone they're atheist and shit. Just don't want to be associated with it. I know what the word means though.Exactly that, I know waaaay too many of those types of people that I don't want to be associated with that all-together image.