.:`=-~rANdOm~`-=:. Game Servers
.:`=-~rANdOm~`-=:. Game Servers (Read Only) => Discussion => Topic started by: ursus on September 04, 2012, 07:35:59 PM
This community eats up too much of my time.
I don't plan on coming back, and I'm going to try and change my password to something I won't remember after I post this.
Also, cleaning out my friends list on steam and others.
This is me, making an active decision for once. Be proud of me.
Well I have to say, it does suck to see you go. I hope everything goes well for you though.
I hope all goes well for ya.
Good bye. *Salute*
Seeya in a week
so edgy
Even though you are a dick to me sometimes, it is fun playing with you, hope everything goes well for you in the new community you go to.
He has a mechanical keyboard to replace all of you.
Even though I dunno how well I stand on your respect list, this sucks seeing you just go.
Don't put your hands where they don't belong. Out with ye, you have only succeeded in removing my own will to stay.
Good luck out there.
Unusual farewell, still, hab fun wit ur life
He'll be back... they always come back...
Behold! Thou hath turnth thee sweets sour! Art thou wrought?
Take care, Hope all goes well for you.
seriously why the fuck is everyone leaving?
i mean, i remember one year ago or a little more seeing someone go was something really weird.
nowadays... .-.
anyways, gamefreak you will be one of those guys i will not be able to forget while i still play in rNd.
Hope everything goes good for you.
seriously why the fuck is everyone leaving?
Because of all of our bitching basically.
Good riddance!
You were always a jerk towards me and 90% of ttt for no reason at all.
I honestly don't know how you maintained VIP all this time.
Someone had to say it.
Good riddance!
You were always a jerk towards me and 90% of ttt for no reason at all.
I honestly don't know how you maintained VIP all this time.
Someone had to say it.
Well someone went right for the jugular at the worst time ever
Good riddance!
You were always a jerk towards me and 90% of ttt for no reason at all.
I honestly don't know how you maintained VIP all this time.
Someone had to say it.
He could be a dick a lot undoubtedly but he was an alright guy at times. And he was a good VIP, just a dick.
He could be a dick a lot undoubtedly but he was an alright guy at times. And he was a good VIP, just a dick.
A backstabbing, manipulative leech with no sense of respect sounds better.
A backstabbing, manipulative leech with no sense of respect sounds better.
You forgot to add that he didn't give a shit about you unless if he could gain something from you or had a vag.
You forgot to add that he didn't give a shit about you unless if he could gain something from you or if you had a vag.
Thanks for adding that.
Well I tried.