Map: ttt_borders_b20
Reason: Not packed right and b13 is just the same, but it's fixed.
Map: ttt_c7ruins
Reason: No guns, no ammo.
I can rearm (add guns/ammo to) the maps, if you want to keep them.
As could I, but there's two versions of boners and b20 has errors for people that don't have EP2.
Also, I think he has the automatically set weapons, so you would have to rearm each and every map for coolz, which I had suggested to him on doing. I've done the same for Xrain.
As could I, but there's two versions of boners and b20 has errors for people that don't have EP2.Sorry, I just had to.
Map Name: dm_richs_apt2 betaI have to object, dm_Richland had crashing and lag problems.
Reason: It is the old version and it needs to be updated to dm_richland (
:book:I have to object, dm_Richland had crashing and lag problems.There is a notrap version (
Map Name: dm_richs_apt2 beta
Reason: It is the old version....
Map Name: dm_richs_apt2 beta
Reason: It is the old version and it needs to be updated to dm_richland (
Please remove ttt_crummycradle_a4 from the "perm" servers.
I don't want this map to get back in the overplayed loop.
Remove crazy cubes too.
It's already began to become overplayed.
I prefer the old crazycube since it's less griefy.I don't prefer any form of cradle or crazy to be in our servers.
I don't prefer any form of cradle or crazy to be in our servers.
I think our players should be exploring the new, and far better maps that the official servers have to offer.
I don't prefer any form of cradle or crazy to be in our servers.
I think our players should be exploring the new, and far better maps that the official servers have to offer.
Map name dm_peaches_castle
ReasonTeleporter to top of the roof (cannon) does 10-30 Damage, You get stuck in grass if you're not careful (Advantage against a gun fight), One Stair to second floor going down has source map void.
ReasonTeleporter to top of the roof (cannon) does 10-30 Damage, You get stuck in grass if you're not careful (Advantage against a gun fight), One Stair to second floor going down has source map void.
ttt_mc_sky___ (The new minecraft map)I thought you left.
Some edges of cliffs you can walk on are slanted, causing easy fall death. Map is crowded with lots of shit and is so fcking easy to fall off its ridiculous. Tower is a 1x1 ladder causing people to get each other stuck and causes RDM and lots of shit slinging fests.
Crazy Cubes.That's pretty shitty but idk. The map's really fun for most people, including me. I can kind of understand why some people would want it removed though. Especially with the amount that it's played.
Seriously. This horribly grief-causing map is nothing less than the worst pile of crap to grace the servers.
I just lost 1000 karma because a dead player dropped a barrel on my head.
On top of the fact that its a bad map.
I'm too mad to form a cohesive argument about it right now. Seriously. I don't know why it is back.
That's pretty shitty but idk. The map's really fun for most people, including me. I can kind of understand why some people would want it removed though. Especially with the amount that it's played.
I don't get how its fun. Every time its played while I'm there this happens to someone. Or the lax feeling of the map with shit blowing up everywhere encourages RDM rounds. Or people block the teleport exits and crowbar launch you. Or push you off intentionally and you get stuck with everyone else in a death trap. The entire map is a karma draining nightmare.Not to mention the lack of traitor action that commonly occurs. So yea I'd be fine with it being removed, though I can still find it fun to play.
Not to mention the lack of traitor action that commonly occurs.
Peach's castle.
There's a million places where you can get stuck, and sometimes you can lose half your health just by going through a badly designed teleporter.
I'd explain why that is, though I'm hesitant because the one time I did explain it, I was RDM'd by someone [despite it being an observation anyone can make] and bitched out when I called him out on it. Nevermind that talking about strategies, and why things happen - observations anyone can make - is not related to in game actions or lack thereof/not proof enough....What? lol?
We really, on that regards need a better guide to what is KOSable, suspect-able, etc or not, the stupidity factor among regular members/players is starting to get staggering.
Anyways, I agree with cubes being a bit of a problem - though I still have fun with it. [imagine if the map had discombobulators, the trolling that could occur since a good discombob throw can dislodge all but the uppermost 4 barrels]. I still prefer cube - with no T room, where falling kills you, easier to hide bodies, and I had better T rounds on there, but that's just me.
...What? lol?
I don't see how that's relevant to my post but either way there isn't going to be a guide for that. It's simply up to the players' decisions. A guide is pretty useless imo as there are only some cases where killing someone on sight isn't allowed.
Well, I'd assume one of those cases is where the reasoning makes no sense - is based on nothing in round [no kills, no seeing suspicious things, no T weaps, no DNA, etc], and can't be justified with a sound answer.Alright but I still don't see that it's much of a problem. If people keep killing like that it's just considered RDM obviously. Which IS allowed but only to a small extent.
I'm pretty sure you'd need to reach deep and far to pull a justifiable answer out of your ass as to why you killed somebody [who happened to be T] for talking about why something happens on a particular map, and nothing more, when it doesn't prove the one who got killed was a T in any reasonable sense of the word.
[By my use of 'you', I don't mean to implicate You, as you were not involved in this case. Just thought I'd throw that out.]
[Not to keep derailing this thread]
Alright but I still don't see that it's much of a problem. If people keep killing like that it's just considered RDM obviously. Which IS allowed but only to a small extent.
Airship. Anyone can enter the traitor room and kill people with no karma loss.
good enough reason for me, removed after next map change(
Edit:// also removed crummycradlez and crazycubez
wait why crummy? sure it was voted for alot but i liked it
wait why crummy? sure it was voted for alot but i liked it
depending on how community response goes, I'll probably add it back with the updated version in a week or so
Please update a variety of the maps on the server. I mean, many maps we love, and love to hate, are outdated - some of the maps being updated to alleviate issues that people have. For example, there is a later version of Peach's Castle with a platform under the roof teleport so you don't get hurt coming out of it, among other fixes.
It's 50mb for a map the size of dm_island but 900 times more horribly optimised.Spoiler (click to show/hide)
It drops my frame rate down to 70 when normally on a map this size it's around 200-300
The fuck, is your video card on steroids or something?
Doesn't steroids make you stronger.
I'd like to see crummy re-added.
Can we like have it off the server for a while?
ttt_crummycradle should be bax after next TTT server map changez :3
did we update though, or is it the old version
(just curious)
updated onez wif teh fix
awesome...butIt does, crashed 2 times on the server when I was on.
it may still be crashing. according to kahuna, anyway.
thanks, sorry for suggesting the update before trying it
huge map, the glitch where people turn invisible happens almost always on this map
Unless this map has been redone with a more optimized version we will loose players due to the poor frame rates that we all get from it. Sure, it's a great map but with such a huge download and all it's a problem that needs to be fixed.
Unless this map has been redone with a more optimized version we will loose players due to the poor frame rates that we all get from it. Sure, it's a great map but with such a huge download and all it's a problem that needs to be fixed.
It's also a pretty meh map. Too big imo.The size and idea is perfect, the only thing is though, it needs to be optimized.
Since zombie survival is back, I played fear_tower_final and because of the new update, you can't climb the tower anymore. Remove fear_tower_final.This
Since zombie survival is back, I played fear_tower_final and because of the new update, you can't climb the tower anymore. Remove fear_tower_final.
Also please remove zs_css_havana,you spawn in walls,you spawn in an area you can't get out of,textures missing and stuff,overall poorly made.
Remove zs_corruption_v3 please.
Will attempt to remake.
ttt_erebusWuts wrong with a ttt map being creepy and eerie?
I've heard complaints on how it is kinda creepy and eerie, and I agree, I don't like it as much either.
Wuts wrong with a ttt map being creepy and eerie?I have to agree with this,what's wrong with a creepy TTT map?
I was probably high when I made that map, it has over proportioned rooms, and has grenades/sexret room.
Wuts wrong with a ttt map being creepy and eerie?
I have to agree with this,what's wrong with a creepy TTT map?Not sure why I said that but I don't know, I was just hearing complaints in the server and the map is kinda meh. Whatever.
it just adds to the tension of being an innocent or detective and maybe make it fun for T i don't know since i haven't played it
Laggy and the playermodels broke in the big update for this map.
This.Oh yes. Every player goes invisible, making the game impossible to play, especially when people always hide in the water. For some reason idiots will never rtv and everyone ends up leaving. Needs to go unless there is a new version.
Oh yes. Every player goes invisible, making the game impossible to play, especially when people always hide in the water. For some reason idiots will never rtv and everyone ends up leaving. Needs to go unless there is a new version.The biggest map on RND TTT is actually ttt_casino, with around 239mbs whereas mcskyislands is only a mere 88.2mbs.
Also bumping for mc_skylands. Looked like a good idea at first but went to shit with the terrible optimization. Could never even have many players on that map with its huge file size either, seriously, It's bigger than many of my RP maps.
The biggest map on RND TTT is actually ttt_casino, with around 239mbs whereas mcskyislands is only a mere 88.2mbs.Regardless, it's still a huge file size that doesn't make up for the slideshow performance I get when playing the mcsky map.
Regardless, it's still a huge file size that doesn't make up for the slideshow performance I get when playing the mcsky map.
Yea I drop down to like 20 or 30 fps on my 670 when on that map...Bullshit, I get 20 FPS looking at the airship on a Dell 1537 LAPTOP, I highly doubt you get 20-30.
Laggy and the playermodels broke in the big update for this map.
ttt_gnome_a1 becauseThis so muchIt's way too small, the corridors are way too narrow and it's pretty bad in general.Spoiler (click to show/hide)
It's a horrible map for ZS, would be great if it were modified for TTT though. Static props everywhere, and only 2 rooms to cade in.
Really? I don't really see how is this map is horrible. There aren't static props everywhere. There are props in the 2 booths. Also, I love it how you and Novias abuse the rtv when this map is chosen. Just because you and Novias hate the map doesn't mean the whole world hates it. Everyone has different opinions.
I don't see it as abusing the rtv.When this map gets chosen, sometimes this map gets chosen and theres 8 or more people on the server, and sometimes when Novias and Loke are in the server, they connect the fastest, and they would rtv the map before anyone else connects to the map. It not only abuses the rtv system, it just censors the map to other players who haven't seen the map or have an opinion on the map.
From my point of view, lately people have voted for it without too many players on the server wich doesn't help the map.
When this map gets chosen, sometimes this map gets chosen and theres 8 or more people on the server, and sometimes when Novias and Loke are in the server, they connect the fastest, and they would rtv the map before anyone else connects to the map. It not only abuses the rtv system, it just censors the map to other players who haven't seen the map or have an opinion on the map.
I haven't seen this, and I belive coolz made it so you can't rtv for a determined time.Coolz fixed it in this thread:,15792.0.html (,15792.0.html)
zs_cleanoffice.I second this.
It's like ascent, but we can't survive Wave 1.
It's like ascent, but we can't survive Wave 1.
Can we remove Gnome from TTT?
It's such a small map, and everyone is always blocking each other because their is only one small path, also there are very little weapons.
I mentioned this before, but please remove dm_peaches_castle
You get stuck in the grass easily, some spawns make you stuck, the stairwell has a missing stair, and you take damage from taking the cannon.
Please remove this,it's literally the worst map on the map list.
The map is LITERALLY impossible,that map is NOT meant to be for zs,you can't play it without breaking the rules at all and it simply looks horrible.
ttt_gnome_a1 becauseIt's way too small, the corridors are way too narrow and it's pretty bad in general.Spoiler (click to show/hide)
Please remove this,it's literally the worst map on the map list.
The map is LITERALLY impossible,that map is NOT meant to be for zs,you can't play it without breaking the rules at all and it simply looks horrible.
-getting out of grass wasn't as easy as crouch jump?
-From what I knew, only one spawn made you stuck and you can suicide if you spawn there.
- there is other way to get out of water (if thats what you're talking.
- If you crouch before going in and uncrouch in the canon you only take 5 hp and I belive that if you time it right you can take no damage.
Ok, if you have to do all that shit just to play on that huge, confusing, and ugly map, I don't think that the players should have to go through that much trouble to play.I agree. I hate that map. It's ugly and confusing.
Not even a year long break has dampened my hatred for Peach's Castle.
Ok, if you have to do all that shit just to play on that huge, confusing, and ugly map, I don't think that the players should have to go through that much trouble to play.Good god YES.
Not even a year long break has dampened my hatred for Peach's Castle.
Ok, if you have to do all that shit just to play on that huge, confusing, and ugly map, I don't think that the players should have to go through that much trouble to play.It's only there for nostalgiafags now, and I don't think it's ever even played anymore, and everyone loves when there's a new player on the map who can't find their way out of a room or runs into walls because he depends on his radar.
Not even a year long break has dampened my hatred for Peach's Castle.
ttt_ruins.I'll have to go with this.
Horrible map, bad design, errors everywhere, missing textures, glitchy, everyone leaves when the map is randomly selected.
Might want to remove cs_assault from Fretta (prophunt).As much as I,and everyone else loves assault,this is true and sadly you can't even edit the map...
Can't kill anything by shooting it if you go behind 2 of the dumpsters on the map. Can only kill with a grenade but no way of knowing they're there.
Can also literally just walk under fence at CT spawn as a bottle and go entirely out of the map out of reach of grenades even.
And the usually spot on the roof which you can't be seen at.
It also seems the Team Fortress maps or at least Harvest I think doesn't work well for chimera hunt since the chimera spawns with everyone else.No Team Fortress map supported by Chimera Hunt so you will always spawn as a Chimera on the spot you PREVIOUSLY were as a ghost/pigmask.I do believe there is some Chimera Hunt maps out there and the TF2 maps aren't that good for this gamemode in my opinion.
Actually I think it's because there's no spawns for the chimera idk if it's possible to add. It seems you spawn where ever you last were as a ghost.
Horrible map, bad design, errors everywhere, missing textures, glitchy, everyone leaves when the map is randomly selected.
Might want to remove cs_assault from Fretta (prophunt).
Can't kill anything by shooting it if you go behind 2 of the dumpsters on the map. Can only kill with a grenade but no way of knowing they're there.
Can also literally just walk under fence at CT spawn as a bottle and go entirely out of the map out of reach of grenades even.
And the usually spot on the roof which you can't be seen at.
It also seems the Team Fortress maps or at least Harvest I think doesn't work well for chimera hunt since the chimera spawns with everyone else.
Actually I think it's because there's no spawns for the chimera idk if it's possible to add. It seems you spawn where ever you last were as a ghost.
It also seems the Team Fortress maps or at least Harvest I think doesn't work well for chimera hunt since the chimera spawns with everyone else.
Actually I think it's because there's no spawns for the chimera idk if it's possible to add. It seems you spawn where ever you last were as a ghost.
One trap near the start if activated incorrectly just makes it literally impossible to pass.
aaaaaaaaaaaaaa quadriple post ;-;
The map author SERIOUSLY exaggerated with the breaking floors, there's a breaking floor every damn corner with NO way of knowing there's one there and no one even wins that map, people can just rage quit.
It's just how i view it
I am making a request that we remove deathrun_cats_v2, when we reach the car blending part the server lags to the point of consistently crashing and disconnecting people.
Anyways, I agree with cubes being a bit of a problem - though I still have fun with it. [imagine if the map had discombobulators, the trolling that could occur since a good discombob throw can dislodge all but the uppermost 4 barrels]. I still prefer cube - with no T room, where falling kills you, easier to hide bodies, and I had better T rounds on there, but that's just me.