Minic said all standard rules are being applied in Temp server, but why there's still random demotion and random promotion?wat...
Some players randomly lost their reg (I am pretty sure it's not glitch) and some "new" players got their Reg.
Isn't the rules still being applied? Even a demotion or promotion needs a prefect reason before applying.
If you mean this shit needs to be logged and everyone needs to be away (publicly) then no lol.
The rules still obviously apply... and there are no demotions and promotions that I know of... Maybe it would help if you gave specific people...
I'm not sure about the ones stated above, but
why, oh god why was he given reg.
I'm not sure about the ones stated above, but
why, oh god why was he given reg.
I'm not sure about the ones stated above, but
why, oh god why was he given reg.
Yeah I can't believe it either when he said he got his Reg.
Right now I saw his karma is low and Tezuni kept an eye on him and it was a possible karma farm.
Additional edit:
How come he can say that to someone who has higher authority than him?Spoiler (click to show/hide)
Someone wanted to ghost.................................
(Redrum is a Reg.)
Wait..? How did this turn into a report thread? Just kinda curious.
No. I am just giving example like how ursus done his job like above.
real reports need to be handled in their own threads
No. I am just giving example like how ursus done his job like above.
That's why I am saying this is not a report thread.Well, then don't treat it like one. You're complaining about promotions and demotions in the discussion board.
keeladawg lost his reg (for no reason)Keela was promoted by me a long time ago, and demoted by Jman I think. He didn't really give a good reason but w.e.
kimchi got his reg (without public announcement)
I lost my reg (for no reason)
Sora50 cannot be promoted
Chrysalis (Demoted in temp for being immature) Dafuk! Every player can be slightly immature but Chrysalis is pretty good just his voice...
I promoted Insane a while ago... what's the problem with that?
He doesn't break rules or anything of that sort, he's just annoying to some people. Oh well.
He's actually helped me a decent bit to ban rule breakers. He's not a bad guy.
Not many people know, but InsantSaint = FPS Russia, RV Spy, Yakuza, etc.
I promoted Insane a while ago... what's the problem with that?
He doesn't break rules or anything of that sort, he's just annoying to some people. Oh well.
He's actually helped me a decent bit to ban rule breakers. He's not a bad guy.
dat laugh
That's the reason he doesn't do it infront of admins, he doesn't wanna get demoted. He acts like he can be helpful but afterwards he then trolls other Regs and Guests but when infront of VIPs and admins, no.
He tried to suck major dick when he was around me. Stuff like "ursus add me you sexy sexy man we can have fun time together."
It pisses me off.
tl;dr: If I never had to play another round of TTT with "Insane" again it would be way too goddamn soon.
When I first heard of his promotion I was 2 seconds away from making a thread like this pertaining to him and others. After thinking logically what grounds did I have? My word? I can not stress enough how much I would like him gone from our community forever. He CONSTANTLY bends the rules in whatever way he can to put a damper upon other player experiences for "fun" all the while attempting to kiss his ass up the friends list with VIP/Admin favorite people charts (obviously it worked for some). Speaking of which I talked to him the other day about it asking him to please stop originally he agreed then later stated he would still karma bait occasionally to see how easily he could manipulate people to do his bidding because it's "fun". Does this sound like reg material to any of you? Does this sound like something a guest should be allowed to get away with? ABSOLUTELY NOT. He is in no way deserving of a promotion however I can't think of anyone at the moment more deserving of a PERMANENT, MINGE ENDING, GO FIND ANOTHER SERVER, BAN. Not only do I dislike him as a player, but as a person his character is less than satisfactory he thinks he can just do whatever he wants, that he's better than EVERYONE, and that so long as he kisses the right peoples ass he's invincible. I can not tell you the amount of times he's made snide, sarcastic, and downright rude insults to myself and others all the while boosting his own ego about how he "shit on us" and how "fucking beast" he is. I don't even see a way of putting any form of professionalism or respect into this post he doesn't deserve it in the slightest.
Exactly, this guy makes TTT stressful to play. I once did a report on him about ghosting that encompassed several maps over many hours, along with other smaller reports. He just keeps coming back.
tl;dr: If I never had to play another round of TTT with "Insane" again it would be way too goddamn soon.
When I first heard of his promotion I was 2 seconds away from making a thread like this pertaining to him and others. After thinking logically what grounds did I have? My word? I can not stress enough how much I would like him gone from our community forever. He CONSTANTLY bends the rules in whatever way he can to put a damper upon other player experiences for "fun" all the while attempting to kiss his ass up the friends list with VIP/Admin favorite people charts (obviously it worked for some). Speaking of which I talked to him the other day about it asking him to please stop originally he agreed then later stated he would still karma bait occasionally to see how easily he could manipulate people to do his bidding because it's "fun". Does this sound like reg material to any of you? Does this sound like something a guest should be allowed to get away with? ABSOLUTELY NOT. He is in no way deserving of a promotion however I can't think of anyone at the moment more deserving of a PERMANENT, MINGE ENDING, GO FIND ANOTHER SERVER, BAN. Not only do I dislike him as a player, but as a person his character is less than satisfactory he thinks he can just do whatever he wants, that he's better than EVERYONE, and that so long as he kisses the right peoples ass he's invincible. I can not tell you the amount of times he's made snide, sarcastic, and downright rude insults to myself and others all the while boosting his own ego about how he "shit on us" and how "fucking beast" he is. I don't even see a way of putting any form of professionalism or respect into this post he doesn't deserve it in the slightest.
Stressful? I think he makes the game more interesting. It's nice to have someone to talk to via voice chat. He gives the game more challenge, despite the wrong call-outs that he does every now and then.
My god don't do any more of your stupid "plans" to get other players in trouble. It's juvenile.
Now, I understand that you all have a lot of hate towards him, and I talked to him about this and asked him not to so we'll just have to see how it goes. I still haven't seen him do any of those things, and NO one has brought any sort of proof. Bringing proof would help a lot. In the mean time, ignore him, leave him alone, and simply ignore the stupid things in-game, unless you're trying to collect proof on his behaviour.
My god don't do any more of your stupid "plans" to get other players in trouble. It's juvenile.
Now, I understand that you all have a lot of hate towards him, and I talked to him about this and asked him not to so we'll just have to see how it goes. I still haven't seen him do any of those things, and NO one has brought any sort of proof. Bringing proof would help a lot. In the mean time, ignore him, leave him alone, and simply ignore the stupid things in-game, unless you're trying to collect proof on his behaviour.
My god don't do any more of your stupid "plans" to get other players in trouble. It's juvenile.
Now, I understand that you all have a lot of hate towards him, and I talked to him about this and asked him not to so we'll just have to see how it goes. I still haven't seen him do any of those things, and NO one has brought any sort of proof. Bringing proof would help a lot. In the mean time, ignore him, leave him alone, and simply ignore the stupid things in-game, unless you're trying to collect proof on his behaviour.
Proof of him having no knowledge of the rules, Juan was called in by him about 2 months ago to deal with ME because I knifed Insane every T round I got, Insane responded by making personal insults on my character and being generally a dick as well as knifing me right back, when was the last time knifing someone was against the rules? When was the last time the way you deal with a rule breaker was cursing them out? What about his character? I think this should suffice ( his desire for power and sheer stupidity is shown in that chat as well as his inability to realize this isn't a mob organization it's a gaming community. All tiger wanted was for him to take the survey and somehow Insane twisted it to some sort of mastermind scheme for power in which he wanted to be involved. Even saying he's heard rumors of you Sabb the one who defends him being "corrupt", from who Excalipoor? As for his karma baiting, to my former knowledge what he was doing with calling out for bullshit reasons wasn't officially against the rules so I have no proof of that. But if you can't accept the testimony of multiple members than I'll have to work on gathering proof not that it's going to do much good after he catches wind of this post.Also, don't take any thing I say in there seriously. I was going along with it until I figured out that he was actually serious about it.
He is F.P.S. Russian among 50 other names, with a new one each week.
He was been caught doing a lot of shit and banned multiple times.
It's been happening for a long time and watching him won't yield anything surprising, he has an ongoing history.... you know he is F.P.S. Russian right?
The name makes a lot of people shudder. lol.
Also, don't take any thing I say in there seriously. I was going along with it until I figured out that he was actually serious about it.
It should really be clear to everyone that all of this is because of a stupid ass personal bias that holds no real backing. That's great - you and a few others dislike me. Unless I really do something wrong, I dont care what you think.You seem to be forgetting that you started abusing before others started insulting you. Even though you got better don't act like you're completely innocent.
Even saying he's heard rumors of you Sabb the one who defends him being "corrupt", from who Excalipoor?
Wait WHAT?
I don't get this..
You seem to be forgetting that you started abusing before others started insulting you. Even though you got better don't act like you're completely innocent.
pretty much thisThis is Reg we're talking about lol. Not admin. Not even VIP. Reg. There's very little harm that can be done with having him Reg. At most, just causing kicks to be a little more difficult. Which also should be easy to collect proof on.
If when you promoted him you saw something good in him, I can understand that much, but I believe there are other people that deserve the rank far more than Insane does.
keeladawg lost his reg (for no reason)I MUST admit I as being immature, and I can understand why Hotgreen demoted me after he cleared this up, but this is turning into a report, this is uncalled for.
kimchi got his reg (without public announcement)
I lost my reg (for no reason)
Sora50 cannot be promoted
Chrysalis (Demoted in temp for being immature) Dafuk! Every player can be slightly immature but Chrysalis is pretty good just his voice...
Proof of him having no knowledge of the rules, Juan was called in by him about 2 months ago to deal with ME because I knifed Insane every T round I got, Insane responded by making personal insults on my character and being generally a dick as well as knifing me right back, when was the last time knifing someone was against the rules? When was the last time the way you deal with a rule breaker was cursing them out? What about his character? I think this should suffice ( his desire for power and sheer stupidity is shown in that chat as well as his inability to realize this isn't a mob organization it's a gaming community. All tiger wanted was for him to take the survey and somehow Insane twisted it to some sort of mastermind scheme for power in which he wanted to be involved. Even saying he's heard rumors of you Sabb the one who defends him being "corrupt", from who Excalipoor? As for his karma baiting, to my former knowledge what he was doing with calling out for bullshit reasons wasn't officially against the rules so I have no proof of that. But if you can't accept the testimony of multiple members than I'll have to work on gathering proof not that it's going to do much good after he catches wind of this post.
Also...This is Reg we're talking about lol. Not admin. Not even VIP. Reg. There's very little harm that can be done with having him Reg. At most, just causing kicks to be a little more difficult. Which also should be easy to collect proof on.
insane is THAT guy? I remember he called me over to try and help him because you kept knifing him every round you were T.I do realize that Reg shows rank and basically in a small way represents the community, but people need to realize that Reg isn't admin as well. Basically like saying VIP (donator VIP) represents another community.
but i remember when you also told me that he was insulting you and thats why you were knifing him....
But like i said we need to get proof and evidence...
i know its for Reg. but reg is supposed to represent our community, and if we have people out insulting others, and only acting good when a Admin or VIP is around then thats bad, currently i have no proof whatsoever other then what i saw and experienced. Like i said i will try to get some evidence or something..
I do realize that Reg shows rank and basically in a small way represents the community, but people need to realize that Reg isn't admin as well. Basically like saying VIP (donator VIP) represents another community.
and others need to realize that when a new player joins TTT for the first time and they see him cursing other players out, laughing hysterically after intentionally causing karma loss and changing these actions only when administration is around enabling him to still get rank, these are the traits they'll deem acceptable of which they definitely are not.Lol... except as far as I know, you're exaggerating like fuck. You're both edging eachother on. He's not just doing it to every random person who joins.
Lol... except as far as I know, you're exaggerating like fuck. You're both edging eachother on. He's not just doing it to every random person who joins.
And again, he was promoted for his usefulness.
Sabb don't get offensive. shockah has a very valid point and i agree. these qualities cannot be tolerated for some and not others, and cannot be allowed for our r egs.I'm not getting offensive... ._.
Ah I'm exaggerating like fuck and edging him on? So I suppose Tezuni, Juan, This Cactus, Foofoo, Ursus, Axule, This Toast, Deacon, and Redrum are also edging him on? Listen to yourself the only support he's received is from you and Samo compared to 7-8 reputable members as well as a few others. Do you really believe that all of these people edge him on and are ALL exaggerating because that's simply absurd.Lol, I'm not supporting him. I just saying that your comment seemed like quite an exaggeration. I know he's causing and issue and I'll be glad to deal with it, but I'd rather not have to deal with complains about me demoting people wrongfully with nothing to back it up. And as far as I know, yes, everyone he's DIRECTLY causing issues with has edged him on in some way. I'm not saying it's anyone's fault but his, I'm just saying that the majority of it could also have been avoided. Again, not saying that you necessarily did anything wrong. Obviously you didn't break rules or anything etc, but as far as I know he hasn't actually broken rules either.
Why should I waste my time getting evidence to get him banned again for a short time? I already did that, multiple times. NOT worth my time.Um... no. It's to get him demoted. Not banned. Everyone's freaking out that he's Reg, not that he's not banned.
Big mistake arguing in this thread. I'm out.
Um... no. It's to get him demoted. Not banned. Everyone's freaking out that he's Reg, not that he's not banned.
Freaking out he's reg because we'd rather see him banned, I'm literally not exaggerating when I say there's no one else I'd enjoy seeing banned more than him. Until I spend my time gathering proof to get a demotion which is absolutely absurd if what we're saying is true he should be getting a perma after all of his prior offenses not to mention the fact that I think he is actually perma'd on the regular servers but I may be wrong there. That is unless of course we work on a 27 strike program?Okay seriously calm down. I get it that you all hate him. My position IS NOT CHANGING.
I'm not getting offensive... ._.Lol, I'm not supporting him. I just saying that your comment seemed like quite an exaggeration. I know he's causing and issue and I'll be glad to deal with it, but I'd rather not have to deal with complains about me demoting people wrongfully with nothing to back it up. And as far as I know, yes, everyone he's DIRECTLY causing issues with has edged him on in some way. I'm not saying it's anyone's fault but his, I'm just saying that the majority of it could also have been avoided. Again, not saying that you necessarily did anything wrong. Obviously you didn't break rules or anything etc, but as far as I know he hasn't actually broken rules either.
If I'm wrong on that, that's fine. I don't need to be right, just prove me wrong. And I've also watched Insane plenty because I have heard people complaining about him but again, he's never done any of this with me on so I'm kind of stuck unless someone actually helps me.
Are you people seriously fighting over a promotion... i dont really belive this
he has multiple steam accounts.
I though you said that you don't do "if I didn't saw it, it didn't happened" stuff, but right now, you are literally doing it.
All of those complaints against him are making me think about him getting demoted and banned as well, I doubt that all of them are lying and wasn't fps russian permanently banned on the regular servers?
But anyways, I'd like if someone would provide his steamID so that I could track him easier, unless he has multiple steam accounts.
No problem.If he goes online....But if he's just gone, I'm glad he is, but if hes gone doing more steam accounts, well...Spoiler (click to show/hide)
He's not gone, he uses his "brother"'s account - R.V Spy(InsaneSaint) to play with us.
I noticed a lot of changes in InsaneSaint after Deagle King (La Volpe, Little Buddha, FPS Russian) was banned frm the server.
He's getting more like FPS Russian.
Don't tell me you still believe his "brother" is involved with anything ._.
Sabb, when eight people are telling you that one guy is a corrupt/two-faced guy, maybe you should at least listen to them.
In my opinion, I think he's a total fucking twat.
Yah Sabb everyone is doing it. It's not like there has ever been a case of a majority of the people in one area being wrong or anything. ;D
No one's saying there hasn't been however, at least 8 reputable members agree and testify the same thing and it seems as though no mind if being payed to it whatsoever.
I am not voicing an opinion on who you are talking about, I simply am pointing out the dangers of validating an argument with how many people you have on your side. That only works if you have guns, not over the internet.
This has WAY too far, We are dealing with a Reg right? To get him demoted? Right.
We're not working with rocket science, brain surgery, or a whole game made of code. We're working with a REG and to demote him.
I suggest an Admin to lock this thread, and to move on with our lives.
This has WAY too far, We are dealing with a Reg right? To get him demoted? Right.
We're not working with rocket science, brain surgery, or a whole game made of code. We're working with a REG and to demote him.
I suggest an Admin to lock this thread, and to move on with our lives.
Author Topic: Unfair random promotion and random demotion
It fits in with random/unfair promotions
We're not working with rocket science, brain surgery, or a whole game made of code. We're working with a REG and to demote him.>Locking a thread for being on topic
I suggest an Admin to lock this thread, and to move on with our lives.
>Locking a thread for being on topic