.:`=-~rANdOm~`-=:. Game Servers
Creative Arts (Read Only) => Graphics => Topic started by: Tiger Guy on May 13, 2012, 02:15:15 PM
I bet the teams last night were worse.
>about 1/4 total score
>other team perfect score except on last level (about 60% I think?)
I bet the teams last night were worse.
>about 1/4 total score
>other team perfect score except on last level (about 60% I think?)
oh god
they were downright horrible
oh god
they were downright horrible
You left me to to get raped behind an Ice machine. NOW THAT is horrible.
You left me to to get raped behind an Ice machine. NOW THAT is horrible.
and I incapacitated purple, but don't mention that
I bet the teams last night were worse.
>about 1/4 total score
>other team perfect score except on last level (about 60% I think?)
its all your fault, sabb
;;also that level where everyone got charged off the cliff LOL
I have to buy this to see what it's like ingame. I seriously have to.
You left me to to get raped behind an Ice machine. NOW THAT is horrible.
All I want is just an Ice Scream. You didn't pick it up for me.
its all your fault, sabb
;;also that level where everyone got charged off the cliff LOL
You're mad because we styled on you.
Skills. Running and gunning, constantly is vital to your success in versus mode. In this case, you got ripped.
Because this one totally make sense
its all your fault, sabb
;;also that level where everyone got charged off the cliff LOL
[Valor]iPounce: Since I have a feeling that we aren't gonna make it
[Valor]iPounce: We will die together
[Valor]iPounce: With honor
>Purple got charged off the cliff
[Valor]iPounce: DIE TOGETHER
*Jumps off*
>Somebody got charged off the cliff again, same spot
>ursus will die with no honor because he's not with us.
its all your fault, sabb
;;also that level where everyone got charged off the cliff LOL
le charger faic xDD
le charger faic xDD
ur weird
You left me to to get raped behind an Ice machine. NOW THAT is horrible.
I did leave it, but then I was jumped, brought back in, and raped in a corner. ;~;
I did leave it, but then I was jumped, brought back in, and raped in a corner. ;~;
I did leave it, but then I was jumped, brought back in, and raped in a corner. ;~;
You shoulda left it sooner!
I did leave it, but then I was jumped, brought back in, and raped in a corner. ;~;
mfw i did that to you twice at the same campaign on the same match