I did this a while ago in a politics lesson in School.
I got the same as Snivy's result with the dot one box to the left.
I don't know anything about politics, can someone give me a run down version of whats an authoritarian and libertarianAuthoritarian: A leader or group controlling the whole country like Hitler and Stalin
Authoritarian: A leader or group controlling the whole country like Hitler and Stalin
Libertarian: Anarchy, no government, in theory that would be Marxism
I wouldnt call a Libertarian state anarchy ._.If not, minimal government then.
Mmmmm. Left wing, just like Canada
I wouldnt call a Libertarian state anarchy ._.
(http://www.politicalcompass.org/facebook/pcgraphpng.php?ec=-7.25&soc=-7.79)Youuu'reee saying Canada is liberal?
Seems legit!
Just to remind me, Right wing is conservative, Left wing is liberal right? Or is it the other way around?
watI think middle would be a moderate.
I thought middle was conservative?
i wish I wasn't dumb as a brick to understand what some of the questions meantjust look them up on google
Canada:Spoiler (click to show/hide)
America:Spoiler (click to show/hide)
UK:Spoiler (click to show/hide)
Germany:Spoiler (click to show/hide)
EU:Spoiler (click to show/hide)
Random Political People:Spoiler (click to show/hide)
Ron Paul. Forever alone.I like Ron Paul.
(http://www.politicalcompass.org/facebook/pcgraphpng.php?ec=-5.62&soc=-5.64)Hi, Marx.
How did I become president in Civics class?
This won't end well.
I like Ron Paul.
He's the only candidate I would trust as president at all.
Ditto.Well... that's kind of exactly what it is lol.
All these questions make me feel like a liberal, but I KNOW I have many liberal and conservative ideas. I feel this isn't a true view of your views, but merely an average.
(http://www.politicalcompass.org/facebook/pcgraphpng.php?ec=-0.1&soc=-0.2)This... isn't a test of skill or wit? ._.
not that hard you know, but still im so far from perfect :/
hahahaha liberal scumSays the fascist.
Says the fascist.
You got a problem with fascism, puttana?Enjoy your Internet censorship and constant war.
You got a problem with fascism, puttana?yes
LOL, link is broken dawg. I actually thought you intentionally put nothing cause your view on politics is nothing. Was about to respect you, lolDenying politics is denying everything. Everything you do has to do with politics. Politics isn't just government.
The problem with this test is that it is so directed. All of the questions that would lean you right are like "Corporations should be helped at the cost of the people", not "A free market is a better market." Its hard to check all the boxes indicating "I dont give a fuck about the people who dont help themselves" when they spell it out so literally even though that is what it boils down to. The economic liberal questions should be like: "I want to help the people, even if it may doom the economy to failure."It's what you get on pretty much every test you do for this kind of stuff so... it's nothing new.
So much spin here, surprised nobody said anything yet.
(http://www.politicalcompass.org/facebook/pcgraphpng.php?ec=-3.62&soc=-0.26)So I decided to take this test again after over a year to see if anything changed