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Creative Arts (Read Only) => Music => Topic started by: Deathie on January 17, 2012, 02:26:28 AM
Right, so let me explain.
I've been wanting to try and cover this in modplug for a while now. After playing a shitload of Dungeon Defenders, I decided to take a break. I was looking for something productive to do, and though "hey, why not do this?"
Three hours of fucking around with famitracker, modplug, AND vegas later, this was the result.
http://azuremc.dyndns.org/data/moonremix.mp3 (http://azuremc.dyndns.org/data/moonremix.mp3)
I'm actually surprised at how cool it sounds, especially for an experiment that I really wasn't trying to much to make it sound good.
I might try making more stuff using all three programs. The result is pretty awesome, and I think this is possibly my favorite thing I've made.
Either that, or I'm really tired. It's 2am now, so it could just be that after 3 hours of messing with it, anything sounds good to me.
OH, and another thing, since I did it all in one sitting, I didn't bother saving the file as I worked on it.
I was rendering a slightly modified version, modplug decided to crash on me, so all I have left are the WAV files of each individual track ;-;
Feedback is cool, especially constructive. Doesn't matter what it is, I'll take it.
Wow.. really nice!
I could hear the song I heard a long time ago so I believe it's good cover xD
Was jammin to eet so ya kewl stuph.. gude werk!
www.youtube.com/watch?v=neru2JGeDpc (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=neru2JGeDpc#)
Anyway, VERY nice cover. I freaking love this song.
This makes me very moist.
Very nice, sounds awesome xD