.:`=-~rANdOm~`-=:. Game Servers
Feeling Lost? (Read Only) => New Member Introductions! => Topic started by: Yashirmare on January 14, 2012, 02:49:30 PM
I'm Zack
16 years old
I use a mic
Some of you may know me from winter survival a while back
Ah what memories
Just a quick into to those who don't know me and I hope to meet alot more people while I'm here
Welkom to teh servarz!
Pm me is ever you need help. I'll gladly help you... as long as you're polite of course.
Pm me is ever you need help. I'll gladly help you... as long as you're polite of course.
I always am, I shouldn't need much help anyways as I've used a forum similar to this one before