.:`=-~rANdOm~`-=:. Game Servers
.:`=-~rANdOm~`-=:. Game Servers (Read Only) => Discussion => Topic started by: Tabitha on December 17, 2011, 06:21:54 AM
Hey guys! Anyone here who plays League of Legends (apart from Jim.O) and DOESN'T think riven sucks (Stares at Jim onions)
I officially LOVE the new character Ahri and even drew her classic skin! (Will see if I can upload it sometime soon -.-)
if you wanna add me I'm Sakamori
if you have favourite characters please post them :D!
I play.
I liked Fiddles until he got nerfed, now My main is Teemo (My best and fav)
Perhaps we could play soon.
Add meh Peetah16
I usually tank (Shen) cause no one else does :(
I used to play, but became inactive about 6 months ago....I played for a good year and got around 60 champs, but it just got boring.
If they ever release magma chamber I might come back....vladimir was always my favorite (flash, ghost, and pool with life steal and his Q = funz)
I played the tutorial for like, 5 seconds, and never played again
Lagg of Legends....
Lagg of Legends....
So does anybody still play? Besides Peetah. Just started playing, and if we could, we can play together forever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever.
I still play, have been for over a year now.
I moved more into ranked though
I like summoners rift :P
Yeah I play too, enjoyable game when you can manage to get a team who is actually dedicated to winning the match.
Otherwise, getting stuck with utter retards is always annoying.
Prefer dota than this...
(somehow even I am a noob) :P
Using Tristana
I love tristana :D
I love tristana :D
Teemo is mine.
Playing Udyr at the moment.
Dat animal jungler.
Hes dam fun.
Add me someone :P I'm Sakamori
I play a bit. My fav would be Nasus. Anyone add me if you want: Samo8412
I just started playing this today. Username on it is TigerGuy.