1. Rule breaker's SteamID
2. Rule breaker's Nickname
3. My in-game name
This Toast
4. Server name
Trouble in Terrorist Town
5. Description of the events
-I'll do a photo story- (Goto "Evidence for the ban")
6. Reason for ban
Team killing
7. Evidence for the ban
Round started, traitors we're chosen.
13 sec later I got knifed by my traitor buddy
and ran away like a normal traitor would IF he killed an innocent.
While round was going on, he kept on saying "I love you toast" on chat and his mic.
When the round finished, me and Axule checked the logs
When Axule tried to ask him for his reason, he left the server
I checked if he knew how to play, turns out he's been playing for quite some time now.
Hope he gets what he deserves. Wish that my ban request was presentable.